Saturday, October 25, 2008

Oh Boy, was I right...

I absolutely cannot believe how sore I am today. I expected aches and pains, but not this! I can barely move my neck! And my pelvis is killing me! Like I did a million sit ups!

The good news is Chris was able to fix everything on the van, and we didn't have to spend any money on it so far. Two flat tires, the back bumper was falling off, the far back window was falling out, the driver's side door had to be adjusted.... I really tore it up!!

Friday, October 24, 2008

Crazy Day!!

Wow! It's amazing how much can happen in day. From the very beginning it was one of those days that seems to go on forever. You know, the one where you keep looking at the clock, and you swear it never moves. I really hate days like that! There was alot of anticipation today, so that didn't help.

Chris had a job interview today, and it went really well. They're supposed to call him on Monday. He's got the job, as long as they're willing to pay him what he asked for. We're all excited about this!! It won't mean more money, but it will mean more Daddy. It's closer, so he won't have to spend as much time on the road, and no overtime. Instead of getting home at 7:30 he'll get home around 5:00. Needless to say, this is the answer to a ton of prayers.

After Chris got home I decided I was going to go to town and meet with a group of women I scrapbook with. Well, I never made it. Instead I ended up in the ditch. It was raining and I was going down a hill, around a curve. The van just did a total 180, I hit the ditch sideways, went down the bank and back up again...backwards, and landed in someone's driveway...sideways. It scared the hell out of me, to say the least. I'm out in the middle of nowhere, shaken, in the pouring rain, and no signal on my cell phone. Then what do I do? I get in the truck with a total stranger and he takes me home. Luckily I wasn't hurt, but I am pretty sore. I can only imagine how I'll feel in the morning.

Thursday, October 16, 2008

It's just NOT fair!!

First of all let me preface this by say that I am in no way, shape or form, growing old gracefully...nor willingly. I'm getting very close to my 30th birthday, and I'm determined to be a total grouch about it. So there! I said it! And if anyone sends me an Over the Hill card I'm going to hunt them down! Consider yourself forewarned...

So, what is it I'm whining about today? I decided to grow my hair out to donate to Locks of Love. You have to have at least 10" to cut off, and you can't color it. I haven't had hair that long since I was like 8 years old, and I didn't know what I was getting into! I want it cut so bad, and I have 4" left to grow! So if your hair grows 1/2" a month that means I'm in for a long wait! So anyway, I've been wearing it up like every single day. Straight from the shower to a pony on top of my head. I hate it! And it's getting so long now that it makes my head hurt because it's so heavy. Today I decided to straighten it, and leave it down. I mean, come one...who wants a headache? Well, I found....GRAY! And not just one strand, that I can handle. No, I've got a mess of it! And I can't even color it!! And as if that's not bad enough, where do you think it is? Not underneath where it won't be seen.'s right on top and falls right in line with my natural part. Waahhhh!! Do those kids really need my hair that bad? Someone remind me WHY I started this in the first place.

Ok, on to another topic. I think things are finally starting to settle down in my house. The kids seem to be feeling better, even if we are still dealing with snotty noses and ugly coughs. I'm praying that it's going to continue to get better.

The kids and I went to spend a few days with Donna last week, and we had a great time! We went to McDonald's and let them play on the playground for what seemed like forever. We did pudding painting, at Elizabeth's request, and they all had a blast painting and eating and then painting some more. And there's really nothing like being able to let the kids eat the mess!! Easy clean-up!! And the pictures turned out so pretty! I can't guarantee that they'll be something that I'll get to show them when they grow up, though. I'm expecting the mold to start growing any day now.

We also went to a pumpkin patch, which Emma slept right through, and then we painted the pumpkins. And let me tell you, Brayden is just like his Daddy. He was so serious, and so meticulous! Everything had to be just so. He really enjoys all things art.

And I took this picture of the gourds at the pumpkin patch. I thought it was really neat!

On our last day there we went to the fall festival, and of course, the kids all got their faces painted. Paint, paint everywhere! It didn't last long though. What is it with kids putting their hands all over their faces?

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

When it rains it pours!

Well, that little bug that Emma had turned out to be a real pain! Brayden had a fever for five days, sometimes as high as 103.7, and I can't tell you how many times we had him in the tub because no amount of Tylenol or Motrin would bring it down. It was pretty scary. We took him to the doctor and they started him on antibiotics, and the next day we were in the ER with him because the fever wouldn't budge. That was a waste of time because we ended up with a doctor whose ego was bigger than the state of TX, and a nurse who followed him around kissing his ass and wouldn't quit calling me hunny. Um, I'm not your "hunny". I've never in my life been treated so much like an idiot. In the end I was told that a fever of nearly 104 was "not that bad", to continue the Tylenol and Motrin "as long as I have to" (even though he wouldn't eat), he wrote me a Rx for another antibiotic, and then wanted me to drive an hour and half away to the pharmacy with a very sick child to get it filled (because it was late and no pharmacy was open). THEN made the mistake of telling me he was diagnosing it as viral!! Hello!!! Then WHY are you giving me an antiobiotic?! Yes, that's how stupid he thought I was. Just give the woman something to pacify her so she'll get the hell out of here! I was livid, and they knew it! Then the nurse, during discharge, says "don't worry, this doesn't make you a bad mother". I literally died laughing and told her I wasn't worried about that. Anyway, it took quite a while and a ton of Tylenol and Motrin, but he's better. Then, the very first day he was without a fever I picked Jessica up from school and she has "the look". I knew instantly that it'd moved on to her. I started her on the extra Rx immediately! (I know, slap my hand but I was NOT going back to the ER!) Her temp then was 103, and it went as high as 104.4 before it was over. She missed two days of school, and we used another box of Tylenol and Motrin. Thankfully, by Monday it was gone. Five days for her, too. Whew! Glad that's over!

Emma got packages in the mail a few days ago with gifts for her birthday from my Aunt Nancy and her family. I can remember growing up, Christina and I always looked forward to her gifts. You always knew it was going to be something really neat! Well, her gift is definately Emma's favorite! She sent her a few really cute outfits, the book "Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?" and the cutest, softest, cuddliest polar bear to go with it. She actually squealed when we pulled it out of the box! I think the pictures speak for themselves.